Unlocking Potential: The Importance of Developmental Assessments in Creating Effective IEPs

Unlocking Potential: The Importance of Developmental Assessments in Creating Effective IEPs

Every child is unique, with their own strengths, challenges, and learning needs. When it comes to supporting children with developmental delays or disabilities, one size does NOT fit all. That’s where developmental assessments play a critical role in shaping an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that truly works. Here’s why developmental assessments are essential for creating […]

What is Adult ADHD

Adult ADHD, marked by ongoing challenges in attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, significantly affects daily life and often originates from childhood. While previously seen as a childhood condition that would outgrow with age when impulse control develops, recent years have seen a rise in recognition, diagnosis, and successful management of ADHD in adults. Nonetheless, longitudinal research indicates that a considerable portion of children with ADHD, up to 60 percent, continue to grapple with symptoms and functional impairments well into adulthood.

What is Adult ADHD

Adult ADHD, marked by ongoing challenges in attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, significantly affects daily life and often originates from childhood. While previously seen as a childhood condition that would outgrow with age when impulse control develops, recent years have seen a rise in recognition, diagnosis, and successful management of ADHD in adults.

Love is not always pink! Relationship Blues and how to deal with it. 

Love is in the air! Every human being seeks long-lasting relationships as a source of companionship and comfort. The attraction for another person involves a physical and emotional connection. Brain chemicals that regulate emotions, such as love and trust, build this connection. 

You Have Heard of PMS, But What is PMDD?!

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a cyclical pattern of psychological and physical symptoms seen in women of the reproductive age group, which occurs around the time of their menstrual cycle. It affects approximately 5-8% of women and causes significant functional impairment.

Recognizing Depression in a Loved One: A Guide to Support

Recognizing Depression in a Loved One: A Guide to Support

It’s not always easy to identify when a friend or relative is going through a tough time, especially when it comes to mental health issues like depression. However, being observant and understanding the signs can make a significant difference in offering the support they need. In this blog post, we will explore the early warning signs of depression and discuss ways to be a supportive and empathetic friend or family member.

Difficult to treat depression

30% of people with depression do not respond fully to conventional treatment for depression. They continue to have symptoms which affect their daily functioning

Navigating Disappointment: Embracing Detachment and Growth

Disappointment is an inevitable part of life, manifesting itself in various scenarios such as academic performance in exams, job expectations and career setbacks, broken relationships, or even the triumphs and defeats of our favourite sports teams. Devoted sports fans invest a significant amount of emotion in the success of their favourite teams.

I Am Moody, Am I Bipolar?

Is it normal to feel too much happiness? There are constant shifts in my mood, do I need to worry about it? I feel sad at a particular moment, another moment I feel as if I am on cloud nine. I do not know what to do? I do not know whom I should talk to? I have tried to research about it, but all I got was the word Bipolar. What is Bipolar? Do I have Bipolar?