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Difficult to treat depression

30% of people with depression do not respond fully to conventional treatment for depression.  They continue to have symptoms which affect their daily functioning

Causes for difficult to treat depression:

  • Co-occurring conditions such as bipolar disorder/OCD/anxiety
  • Personality factors
  • Genetic factors
  • Substance use
  • Presence of undetected neurological/medical conditions

At Manoshanti – Expert opinion clinics we help people with difficult to treat conditions

Step 1

Thorough evaluation of history and diagnosis.

Step 2

Evaluation for contributing factors.

      • Medical and neurological evaluation
      • Personality and psychometric assessment
      • Pharmacokinetic genetic testing

Step 3

Comprehensive individualised treatment plan.

Our holistic treatment plan includes

      • Appropriate suggestions for medication
      • Psychotherapy
      • Life style changes and yoga therapy

Newer effective treatments for Difficult to treat depression offered at manoshanti

      • Brain stimulation (transcranial magnetic stimulation) is a novel US FDA approved treatment which enhances recovery in depression
      • Ketamine therapy – Injection of low dose ketamine has beneficial results in chronic depression

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